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STEM Consulting


The STEM Consulting project area is a resource for educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and for-profit companies interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs, curriculum, and policies.


This project area includes evaluation, assessments, policy analysis, program design, and research informed consulting for STEM education efforts. The STEM Consulting project area also provides individual and group coaching and academic advising for high school, college, and graduate students in STEM disciplines.



STEM Outreach


The primary aim of the STEM Outreach project area is to provide students, families, and communities with access to STEM experiences in order to participate in formal STEM education settings, and enhance technical literacy. 


The STEM Outreach project area includes a STEM lending library for individuals and organizations to borrow authentic STEM education tools, curricula, and resources without financial commitment or locally available expertise. In the future, the STEM Outreach project will include summer and after-school education experiences for students interested in STEM.




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